Join Our Life-Saving Mission:
Donate Blood Now!
Blood Donation Process
Who can donate blood ?
Blood donors must provide identification at the time of donation.
- Age 18 – 65 years.
- Hemoglobin level :More than 12.5 gm/d.l.
- Weight not less than 45 kg. Having normal body temperature at the time of donation.
- Have normal BP at the time of donation.
- Should be free of any disease at the time of donation.
- Donors who donated before 90 days for male, 120 days for Female.
- You are healthy and have not suffered from Malaria, typhoid or other transmissible disease in the recent past.
Blood donation is not possible if you have
- flu or cold.
- Tetanus toxoid was given within 14 days.
- Within three months, malaria.
- Be below 50Kgs
- Have had a major surgery in the last 3 months.
- Be under medication.
- Have donated blood in the last
- 3 months (male) and 4 months (Female).
- Be older than 60 years.
- Tattoo done within a year.
- Typhoid within a year.
- Received antirabies vaccine due to animal bite within a year.
- Heart Disease, asthma.
Registration Form

Registration and Counselling
- We will sign you in and go over basic eligibility criteria’s.
- You will read some information regarding blood donation.
- You will answer a few questions about health history during a private and confidential interview.
- We will check your temperature , pulse, blood pressure and hemoglobin level.
Blood Donation Process
The entire blood donation process, which often lasts an hour, begins when the donor enters and ends when he or she leaves. It typically only takes 5 to 10 minutes to make a gift.
For the best comfort of our donors, we have ultra-modern, elegant recliners. The donor area is fully furnished with air conditioners, a music system, and a refreshment cubicle for the donors’ rest and leisure. Our team of doctors and counsellors care for blood donors and stay with them the entire while the operation is being completed.

Post blood donation care and call back instruction
- The donor should consume two to three glasses of water and eat healthy meals.
- After blood donation, donors shouldn’t use tobacco or alcohol.
- For the following 10–12 hours, the donor should keep their bandage on and dry.
- Donor should avoid hard lifting or strenuous exertion for the rest of the day.
- If the needle site begins to bleed, the donor should apply pressure and straighten his or her arm until the bleeding stops.
- If the donor feels dizzy or light-headed, he or she should stop what they are doing, sit or lie down, and lift their feet until they feel better.
- If the donor develops minor bruising, he or she should administer an ice pack to it. Contact us if the bruising is bigger than 2-3 inches in diameter, has redness, swelling, or pain where the needle was, or is tingling.
- Continue to consume iron-rich foods such as spinach, jaggery, and dates. If you donate blood frequently, make sure to take iron-fortified multivitamins to keep your iron levels replenished.
Benefits of blood donation:
- The minimum time advised between two donations is 3 months gap for male. Four months gap for female. This gap helps blood regain the normal hemoglobin concentration level.
- Regular donation (3-4 times in a year) lowers cholesterol and decreases incidence of heart attacks
- With healthy people, timely blood donation benefits with weight loss and endurance. Giving blood burns 650 calories; any benefits from this calorie loss will be temporary and will not aid in weight loss.
- Free health examination these include: Hepatitis B, C, HIV, hemoglobin levels, high or low blood pressure, Malaria, typhoid, Sickle Cell Trait Screening, blood type or blood group (O, A, B or AB) /RH testing and other transmissible disease .

Blood you donate is used
- To replace blood lost during injury as in accidents, major surgeries open heart surgeries. Transplants etc.
- To treat shock due to injury.
- For pre-mature babies and pre-term babies.
- During child birth for the mother.
- Dengue fever.
- Plasma is used to treat critically burn patients to survive.
- For patients suffering from Anemia.
- To make blood derivatives which are used to treat medical problems.
- For children suffering from ailments like Thalassaemia, Hemophilia (bleeding disorders), Leukemia, Blood cancer.
- To raise hemoglobin levels (Through transfusions) in patients with chronic ailments like kidney diseases.
- Blood donation hardly makes a difference in terms of health to the donor, but it can helps to save the patient life.
Donor Consent
- Without being coerced or under any pressure, I am giving my blood voluntarily. For the same, I did not get paid in any way.
- I am aware that any purposeful misrepresentation of the facts could result in the spread of infection and risk the life of the patient receiving my blood.
- I give Blood Bank permission to utilise my given blood in any way it deems acceptable and in the best interests of the Blood Bank.
- I authorise the testing of my donated blood for required conditions like: HIV-1 and HIV-2, Hepatitis B and C, Syphilis, and Malaria.

Donor Recognition and Rewards
We value the priceless help of our blood donors and make every effort to express appreciation. Our blood bank offers donor appreciation programmes, which may include diplomas, badges, and other incentives to thank donors for their noble act of giving blood. We desire to give our donors a great experience and motivate them to continue saving lives through regularly scheduled blood donations.